If a store, supermarket or mall’s carelessness caused your injury anywhere in Florida, then want to represent you.
Over the past 12 years, we have had many settlements against stores, supermarkets and many other business establishments in Miami-Dade and Broward County.
Examples of stores who we can represent you against include, but are not limited to:
- Supermarkets such as Publix, Winn Dixie, Sedano’s, Presidente, Whole Foods, Fresh Market, etc.
- Big Box stores like CVS, Costco, Walmart, BJs, Target, Ikea, Kmart, Sears, etc.
- clothing stores (Gap, etc.) and more.
Just a few of the supermarket and store accident cases that we have handled are below:
Our Actual Case: $300,000 settlement for man who had 2 skin grafts to his lower leg after he slipped and fell at a Sedano’s supermarket in Miami.

Our Actual Case: Confidential settlement when a shopper tripped over a container that was left in the aisle of a national retailer.
Our Actual Case: $18,000 Settlement when a shopper claimed a rotator cuff tear after she slipped on water in a Publix supermarket in Miami.
Our Actual Case: $17,000 Settlement when a supermarket employee pushed a pallet cart over our client’s toe in a Miami Supermarket.

Our Actual Case: Confidential Settlement when a shopper suffered a leg injury after she tripped on a rug (that was sticking out in the aisle) and fell in a Miami Publix supermarket.
Our Actual Case: Confidential Settlement for shopper who suffered a patella (kneecap) fracture at a Miami Supermarket.
Our Actual Case: Confidential Settlement when an object fell off a display in a Miami supermarket and struck a shopper’s toe resulting in a toe fracture.
Our Actual Case: Confidential Settlement when a sign fell on a customer at a national chain clothing store in South Florida. The customer had stitches in his forehead.
We want to represent you if you slipped or tripped and fell on:
Food on the floor

Bag on the floor
Numbered tickets on the floor

Tripping on an unsecured electrical cord

Object in the middle of the sales floor

You may trip on an object on the sales floor of a Florida retail store. If you are hurt, we want to represent you.
We know that your direction of travel may affect whether a victim may have a trip and fall case. It may also affect the value.
In the above picture, do you know how your direction of travel affects the case? Is your case stronger if you were walking from right to left? Is it stronger if you were walking from bottom to top?
We know the answers.
Other types of store and supermarket accident claims.
We handle a range of store, supermarket and other types of accident cases. Let us go to work for you!
We will use our 11+ years of experience to fight to:
1. Get Your Medical Bills Paid.

If a Florida supermarket’s or store’s carelessness caused your injury, you may owe the ambulance company for the cost of transporting you to the hospital. Even if you have health insurance, you may still owe money to the ambulance company a co-pay or deductible. If you took an ambulance to the hospital after the accident, we will request and review the ambulance records and bills.
We will send these bills and records to the supermarket or store owner or operator (or its insurance company) where you fell or were hurt in Florida. We want them to quickly set the proper reserve for your personal injury claim.
We will also send these bills and records to any additional parties who may be liable, such as a landscaper, cleaning company or other business.
We will send the proper letters to find out if the store’s insurer, if one exists, needs to immediately pay the bill under medical payments (Medpay) coverage, if any is available. If Medpay is available and the insurance company is not quickly paying the bill, we may sue them in an attempt to get the ambulance bill paid.
We will also use our experience in an effort to get all of your other medical bills paid, including hospital bills, doctors’ bills, surgery bills and more.
Over 73 factors affect a Florida supermarket or store injury case.
If you do not understand the more than 73 factors that affect whether you have an injury case against a Florida supermarket or store, you need an attorney. You need to know your stuff cold when you are talking to an insurance adjuster.
We have settled cases for people with the following injuries caused by a Florida supermarket’s or store’s negligence:
Herniated Discs
We have settled many herniated disc cases, including those involving epidural injections and surgery. We understand the issues that are specific to herniated disc cases, such as whether the herniation pre-existed the accident or whether it was caused by the accident. We settled a slip and fall case for $300,000 against a Miami Sedano’s supermarket where my client claimed a herniated disc.
Shoulder Injuries
We have settled cases throughout Florida where our client claimed at shoulder tear from a fall at supermarket including, but not limited to, Publix in Miami, Florida. We have settled many Florida shoulder injury cases including, but not limited to, those with rotator cuff tears, labrum tear cases or fractured clavicle. Many shoulder injuries involve issues with the AC joint and other joints or muscles.
Knee Injuries

Our Miami lawyer firm is very familiar with knee injuries. We have handled knee injury slip, trip and fall cases against stores and supermarkets in Miami and throughout Florida. We have settled kneecap (patella) fracture cases, as well as meniscus tear cases and other knee injuries.
Hand and Wrist Fractures or Injuries
Our Miami law firm has settled many cases where someone’s negligence caused our client’s broken wrist or hand in Florida.
We have also settled cases against Florida supermarkets or stores involving injuries which include, but are not limited to:
- Fractured feet (e.g. calcaneus, etc.)
- Lower back pain
- Sciatica, stitches and scarring
- Broken toes
- Quadriceps tear
- Achilles tendon injury
- Skin grafts
- Nerve injuries
- and much more!
We have written extensively on Florida slip and fall claims.
Did someone’s carelessness cause you to slip or trip and fall and suffer an injury in Florida, or on a cruise or boat? Were you hurt in another type of accident?
See Our Settlements
Check out some of the many Florida injury cases that we have settled, including but not limited to slip or trip and falls, supermarket or store accidents, cruise ship accidents and much more.
We want to represent you!
Our Miami law firm represents people injured anywhere in Florida in slip, trip and falls, store or supermarket accidents, cruise ship or boat accidents, accidents at someone else’s home, condo or apartment, and many other types of accidents.
We want to represent you if you were injured in an accident in Florida, on a cruise ship or boat. If you live in Florida but were injured in another state we may also be able to represent you.
Call Us Now!
Call us now at (888) 594-3577 to find out for FREE if we can represent you. We answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
No Fees or Costs if We Do Not Get You Money

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