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Florida Uninsured Motorist Claims

Florida no-fault insurance law establishes certain personal injury protection (PIP) for passengers in an insured motor vehicle, but the cost of treating even moderately serious injuries often exceeds the limits of the auto insurance policy. For this reason, at our personal injury law firm in Miami, Florida, attorney Justin Ziegler encourages all clients to carry uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist coverage as part of an auto insurance package.

Call 1-888-JZ-HELPS (1-888-594-3577) or e-mail our firm for more information or to set up a consultation and evaluation of your accident.

Is your auto insurance company refusing to pay your uninsured motorist claim?

Your insurance company makes money by refusing to pay claims or refusing to pay a reasonable amount for serious injuries or death claims. Are you are having trouble with a car accident injury claim, or do you wonder how to proceed with a underinsured (UIM) or uninsured (UI) motorist accident claim? Lawyer Justin Ziegler at our Miami-Dade County law firm will be happy to provide a free consultation and claim evaluation.

It is very important to speak with an attorney before making any statement to your insurance company.

Contact our Miami, Florida, auto accident attorney for a free consultation about an uninsured motorist claim. Lawyer Justin Ziegler will call back immediately. Free, no-risk consultation – we do not get paid unless you collect. Se Habla Español.

How can my insurance company refuse to pay an uninsured motorist claim?

The insurance company may use any number of reasons to argue that you do not deserve underinsured or uninsured motorist benefits. Did you make a statement to the insurance company representative? In the stressful period following an accident, the company will record a formal statement in which it hopes to trip the speaker up, later claiming a simple misstatement shows dishonesty or bad faith. The company may challenge the extent of your injuries. Several policies may be involved and one company may claim the other is liable.

We know how to handle Florida uninsured motorist claims – attorney Justin Ziegler worked for the insurance companies before establishing our practice. Now we commit our entire practice to helping accident victims recover fair compensation. to set up a free consultation with attorney Justin Ziegler to discuss your uninsured or underinsured motorist claim, call 1-888-JZ-HELPS (1-888-594-3577) or e-mail our firm today.

Questions & Answers

Can I file a claim against my uninsured motorist insurance company if the driver of the car that hit me did it intentionally?

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